Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another 2x20 was dispatched last night with 307 watts and "who knows" watts.
Yes, you guessed it. My lovely ultra high tech, ultra reliable KK computer went schizoid during the 2nd interval and re-calibrated itself to a 26" wheel size.

There's nothing more fiddly than trying to reset a KK computer whilst pedaling at 90 rpm with a hear rate of around 170 while swearing out loud and immediately regretting it cos it takes too much oxygen.
This is the third KK computer I've had since November and each one has had to be sent back due to various anomalies like the buttons not working and the thing resetting to 0 whenever it feels like it.
Well, today I've had enough. I popped out of the office and I've bought myself a Trek rear-wheel cadence computer that will tell me my average speed for the turbo session without me having to rewire it at 170bpm. From the average speed I can tell how many watts I've done by a simple table on the KK web site.

I find it amazing that a company that produces one of the best made and most reliable turbo trainers out there can produce one of the most unreliable and naff looking plasticky excuse for a bike computer ever made.

Anyway, in other news, it seems that the pain I've been experiencing in my knee since my altercation with a certain piece of road is due to some damaged cartilage. Yes, that means an operation and I'll be out of action for about 4 weeks.
Shame really. I'm due to have the thing done in April, so my late start to the season will be delayed even further now. Oh well.

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