Since my last 3 day block of training, I've done a couple of 1x30's with a day's break in between.
This seems to have helped my power output a bit and I seem to be making a bit of progress at last.
On Tuesday I did a 1x30 and came in with an average wattage of 289 w . I started off a bit slowly but picked up towards the end. Thursday I did another session and came in with an average of 294w, which I was pretty chuffed about. I started off harder than I normally did and tried to hold it which I managed to do OK, although it took a lot of concentration to hold the last 10 minutes.
Anyway, my geeky graph now looks like this:
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
another block of 1x30 mins...
I've just completed another 3 day block of 1x30 minutes on the turbo:
session 1: 280 watts @ 166 bpm average
session 2: 282 watts @ 166 bpm average
session 3: 280 watts @ 170 bpm average
I'm a bit dismayed to see that my power is not going up appreciably, which is a little irksome.
However, it is still early days, I suppose. I've only had the turbo since the 20th of December, so there's still time to see some improvement.
Anyway, my 30 minute sessions are going OK, apart from that. I try and keep my effort constant throughout and not go for a big splurge in the last 5 mins to get the power average up.
In the interests of geekiness, I've created a nice little graph that shows my 30minute sessions on the turbo:
Days are along the bottom and watts on the vertical axis.
As you can see, I missed a whole week early on when I lost a bit of interest in this mad escapade.
I went out on the Addiscombe club run on Saturday and sat at the back of the 18mph group and coasted round. Quite a nice gentle ride. Chatted to a few guys who I hadn't met before, which was nice.
I'm intending to carry on with the 30 minute sessions until the end of Jan and in Feb start on the more intense 2x20 sessions. That's my plan anyway, which I probably won't keep to, knowing me. I'm hoping that I can be averaging 290 watts for the 30 minute sessions by the end of Jan.
session 1: 280 watts @ 166 bpm average
session 2: 282 watts @ 166 bpm average
session 3: 280 watts @ 170 bpm average
I'm a bit dismayed to see that my power is not going up appreciably, which is a little irksome.
However, it is still early days, I suppose. I've only had the turbo since the 20th of December, so there's still time to see some improvement.
Anyway, my 30 minute sessions are going OK, apart from that. I try and keep my effort constant throughout and not go for a big splurge in the last 5 mins to get the power average up.
In the interests of geekiness, I've created a nice little graph that shows my 30minute sessions on the turbo:
Days are along the bottom and watts on the vertical axis.
As you can see, I missed a whole week early on when I lost a bit of interest in this mad escapade.
I went out on the Addiscombe club run on Saturday and sat at the back of the 18mph group and coasted round. Quite a nice gentle ride. Chatted to a few guys who I hadn't met before, which was nice.
I'm intending to carry on with the 30 minute sessions until the end of Jan and in Feb start on the more intense 2x20 sessions. That's my plan anyway, which I probably won't keep to, knowing me. I'm hoping that I can be averaging 290 watts for the 30 minute sessions by the end of Jan.
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